Achievements since 2005

All by God’s Grace...

Just some of the rewarding ministry opportunities God has given us so far…

  • Providing Medical Care & Supplies

    By providing basic health care, we have made a difference in the lives of those suffering with chronic conditions such as Hypertension, Diabetes, HIV/AIDS and childhood diseases.

  • Training in Dental Education

    Dental Care is easily accessible here in the USA. As we have traveled to a lot of schools we love to share the importance of Oral Care with a free toothbrush and tooth paste. We also give a handout on the importance of Dental Care by brushing regularly. The smiles on their faces say it all.

  • Teaching Preventive Care

    Stop the spread of germs. It could be- as simple as showing them how to cough in their sleeves instead of covering their mouth with their hand. It could be as simple as telling them to boil all the water from the river for ten minutes to help kill the germs and parasites from it. It could include more in-depth classes on Diabetes, Hypertension, HIV/AIDS, Pregnancy- Pre-Natal Care, Childhood diseases’.

  • Serving Street Kids

    Serving Street Kids comes with multiple challenges. For some kids, It starts as a simple dare. Sniffing. Glue. Then trying to keep up their habit. This cam lead to chemical or Emotional addiction and trying to keep up their habit. This leads many kids into trouble, which can result in them running away from home. Some get pushed into human trafficking. A child full of life and endless potential suddenly feels hopeless without understanding how they got there. Some children find themselves unexpectedly having children of their own with no way to raise them. . Some are children who have been abandoned. Parents can not afford to care for them. Any number of these situations could be the reason they are living on the street. They need help rather than…

  • Bringing School Supplies

    These kids need a little bit of everything for learning. They bring their enthusiasm and desire to learn. School supplies as simple as composition books, pens and pencils make such a difference. The classrooms are basic. A dirt floor, desk and bench seats. Yet these kids excel when given the opportunity to learn with the tools that they need..

  • Assisting Addiction Recovery

    Being given the opportunity to go into rehab is something many can only dream about. There are lots of programs out there, but do they really have the commitment to be successful? Making donations to provide scholarships for those suffering from addiction can change lives forever.

  • Purifying Water Supply

    Water is essential for life. We think of water and walk to the kitchen; get a glass and turn on the faucet. It’s that simple usually. But in places all around the world, it’s not that simple. Imagine having to walk for miles in order to fill your jugs and bottles with dirty water. Water that people bathe in, use to wash their clothes and into which sewer waste runs into. Providing the basics for clean water is achievable if we all come together to help. This is such a huge necessity to be able to live a healthy life.

    By investing in communities that have rivers and lakes, we can also provide a source for farming.

  • Sharing Seeds for Planting

    It begins with a seed. By helping to provide seeds to a village or community, you help to provide food for families. We can share an idea to collect seeds, It’s easy to do, share with co-workers, friends, family and ask if anyone would like to donate some seeds? On a recent trip, we collected over 400 packages of seeds to share. The kids in the villages loved the idea of planting them, watching them grow and then being able to share with everyone.. It’s also a great way to share God’s love.

  • Provided computers, solar, and generator

    In today’s world, modern technology is essential in keeping up with the world. By providing simple things such as tablets, computers and printers, we provide this generation and the next, the tools needed to succeed.

    The same for solar and water. The basics for life and learning. We are currently working on projects involving solar energy and water for our medical clinic. in Kenya