Ministry Projects

Places for you to get involved…

God’s Love Spurs Him To Compassion Projects

Empowerment through Compassion

Experience the transformative power of reaching out and connecting with Global Compassion Resources. Let us be the bridge to fulfilling God’s Promise of Blessings to the Very Ends of the World. We are here to listen, support and guide you through the journey towards a brighter future.



Eden Medical Clinic


Located about 45 minutes from Eldoret, Kenya, Eden Medical Clinic. Also known as Global Compassion Recourses Medical Clinic. It is in a small village away from the bigger towns. 2017 was our first clinic with Dr.’s Wilson Akour and Bite Amour. On that day, we saw the real need for the clinic. People suffering with Chronic Conditions that could be treated easily with medication and diet. Along with other conditions. Global compassion Medical clinic has been serving people in that community ever since. What a difference to see how the clinic has changed so many lives for the better.

Haven Recovery Centre


Since I first heard of Haven Recovery Center in 2005, I have had the opportunity to witness many lives being changed by this organization. There is a high number of people who suffer from addiction in Kenya. This organization, run by Bishop Philip Rono is made a difference in so many lives. They offer a 90 day in-patient treatment program that focuses on healing not just the patient but reuniting familes and their community. It is a Christ based program.

Children’s School


While serving in Eldoret, Kenya with Community Baptist Church, I have had the opportunity to visit with a lot of schools. Whether it be bringing school supplies, medication for helping to de-worm students and teachers, or bring God’s love through Vacation Bible School. Each school and the students we have gotten to meet and interact with has been amazing. One school that sticks out the most is where we were able to meet and help the albino kids from Tanzania. These kids have been through so much it was great to bring them supplies to help make their lives a little easier. They have great dreams and ambitions. Each year as we return to this school, we see familiar faces and have heard of a lot of them receiving scholarships for Universities.

The needs of these schools are great. Most have no electricity in the classrooms. They have dirt floors and no glass in the windows. They come eager to learn and get a head in the world before them. The girls struggle after they become teenager’s due to lack of feminine hygiene products. Simple needs that we are able to help provide. Basic supplies for learning. While it is great to bring them these supplies, the cost is much cheaper buying them in their country.



Uganda HIV/AIDS Project


Uganda is another beautiful country. It has similar needs as Kenya but the women have more of a voice in what is going on in their country. While there we met with the head of the HIV/AIDS program and learn that it works very well. Getting people over the stigma of getting tested for HIV, there is treatment available and preventive care is taught. We are looking for a spot in Uganda for a clinic in the out skirts of Mbarara.

Uganda Project #2 Help with School Supplies/Uniforms


Uganda has a need for School Supplies and Uniforms for kids. Like a lot of areas in Africa, Kids are the future of these beautiful countries. There are basic needs for Clean water, food, health-care and caring compassion. A lot of orphans in villages have older grandparents caring for them. They need to know that one is of value. Security, that they can learn and improve their environment and of course most important, shelter and food.



Coyolate Medical Clinic


Coyolate is a 3 1/2 hour drive from Guatemala City, Guatemala. It is a beautiful, but hot humid village. The people are loving and happy to have help but want to work with you instead of having a hand out. The children are excited as we join with Community Baptist Church and members from Flip Side Church in helping to build a Preschool Classroom.

Part of our team is here to work with the Healthy Communities Medical Clinic. This is a non-profit clinic helping the lives of the folks in the village and surrounding communities. They are in need of equipment and supplies to help the clinic going. It is run by a wonderful Nurse Practitioner and her Health Aide.

Coyolate Children’s School


The school has lots of kids. The are smart and eager to learn. The staff are dedicated to helping them succeed. Their classrooms are crowed but always willing to add one more if needed. Their needs are for basic supplies and fans to help circulate air in the classrooms. Updated bathrooms would be of help with more running water.

Original Content Below…

Eden Medical Clinic, Rift Valley, Kenya

While serving with Community Baptist Church in 2017, I had the opportunity to help do a Medical Clinic in Zeek, Kenya. It is located about 45 minutes from Eldoret, Kenya. Dr, Wilson Akuora, who serves as a doctor consultant for Haven Recovery Center, had a vision of serving the needs of those that could not afford Health Care. Need Story of how this came to be…whose idea, who gave the facilities, number of patients seen monthly for what kind of conditions. On that day we serve well over 150 patients. Most with Chronic conditions such as High Blood Pressure, Diabetes, HIV/AIDS, Childhood diseases as well as those with Urgent care issues. Before the clinic open the villagers were experiencing no access to Health care which cause many of these patients to pass away way to young. Since the opening of the clinic we have seen a great drop in patients suffering from complication from High Blood pressure which can lead to strokes and paralysis. Blindness from Diabetes being out of control. Seizures are under control with medication so patients are able to attend school. Ongoing issues with Diabetes require an onsite laboratory, which is planned to open Winter an initial expenditure of $1000 and $200 monthly to staff an RN on-site.

The current budget for the clinic is $550 which is an average of $5.50 X per patient seen and medications given. However, there are shortages of help for administration work to copy forms into patients charts and a full time RN at an additional expense of $200.00. The need for Solar for power and connecting with a water source has an approximate cost of $7400.00


Medical clinic
