Bringing Healthcare where it’s needed

Time for Healthcare

It’s hard for us to realize that most people in the world don’t have the level of healthcare, education, electricity, and safe places to live that we have.

Whether it be a belly full of worms from drinking or eating food that can cause stomach problems or worst. A simple pill can help take care of the issue for three months. Child immunization to prevent diseases that once plagued the whole world are reaching the ends of the earth. HIV/Aids prevention can be taught as well as treatment for it when given access. Women with the risk of having complications with child birth are followed to help prevent problems with births and pregnancy. With a focus on prevent medicine, as well as treating those with Chronic conditions, Global Compassion Resources is there to help.

In Kenya, we have seen such a great improvement with the quality of life thanks to Medical clinic at Eden. This clinic not only see’s patients that are having urgent issues, They provide follow-up care for issues such as Hypertension, Diabetes, HIV/Aids and childhood issues..

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