Our Vision & Mission

What we envision and what we do
through Global Compassion Resources…

Our Vision


Our vision is to see God’s promise of blessing fulfilled to the very ends of the world.

With all the craziness in the world today, it is nice to believe there are still people who care. As issues are brought to our attention, it’s amazing to see how God puts people in place to serve. Sharon has been a part of a lot of short term missions teams through the years. Each one ends up being a blessing for the cause we are called to serve. Sharon calls these great adventures. Whether digging ditches to build things to playing games with kids who just need a hug.

Matthew 7:7 says “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find.”

Would you consider joining us for a short term missions trip?

Our Mission


Our mission is to share God’s love through healthcare, education, agriculture, and compassion.

It’s the dawn of a new day. The temperature outside is already hotter than most of us want to work in. The humidity is unbearable. As we arrive at the village, the children are excited to come and see if the new classroom is ready. The smiles, the giggles, and the happiness on their faces, knowing this will give them a place to learn.

Hearing a story at home in the US about planting a seed in Kenya for a rice field. Then seeing a village working the fields, to seeing the full harvest operation and bag of rice in the store. This project helped to feed an entire village and created jobs for folks to provide for their families.

A child diagnosed with cerebral palsy was having seizures and unable to attend school. Through the medication that the medical clinic provided, he is now in school and able to play with kids in his village.

By donating just a few hours a month, food banks at home, volunteers help pass out food that helps those that are in need.

It does not take much to make a difference, just a heart willing to serve.

“I heard the voice of the Lord saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me.”

— Isaiah 6:8

As we join hands, let us march forward toward a world where God’s promise of blessing is manifested to the ends of earth.