A compassionate heart compels her

Sharon Baker, CEO
Global Compassion Resources

As Sharon poured out her love, she discovered an unexpected reciprocity—the more she gave, the more love returned to her.

When the hand of a Loving God touches the heart, He does so with such love and grace that hearts transform, hands become useful, and life gain’s purpose.  This is Sharon’s story—a testament to the active choice of serving others and becoming a blessing to those in need.

Growing up in California, Sharon Baker felt the gentle tug of God’s calling on her life. Uncertain of where this path would lead, she joined Teen Missions International and embarked on a three-year journey.  Across the United States, Mexico, and Scotland, she allowed God’s abundant love to flow through her, touching those in need.  As she poured out her love, she discovered an unexpected reciprocity—the more she gave, the more love returned to her. A unique and profound connection blossomed with the special needs children she serves. And beyond the mission trips, Sharon gained invaluable skills while working in global construction team: He blesses us to become blessings.  Yet, what amazes mission workers, new and returning alike, is this spiritual paradox- they receive abundantly more than they give.  Their usefulness to God and to others expands, reaching far beyond their expectations, as they sow seeds of love and compassion across the globe.

Sharon’s journey led her to successful healthcare, marriage, and raising a family. Yet, her heart remained tethered to the children she encountered on the mission’s field. A deep desire to create safe havens for at-risk youth blossomed within her—a calling that beckoned her back to Uganda and Kenya in 2005. There, she witnessed an overwhelming need and received boundless love. Everywhere she turned, she encountered kindness, respect, and acceptance. But it was the children in those villages who etched themselves upon her heart, igniting a path of compassion. Sharon left with a profound conviction: these children were the future of their nations. God’s purpose echoed in her soul- to provide quality healthcare, education, supervision, and above all, the overflowing love of a powerful Jesus who longs to bless His children.

Back in the United States, Sharon’s eyes opened to opportunities for change on home soil.  Inspired by Jesus’ unwavering compassion for the world, she founded Global Compassion Resources.  Her vision? To heal, educate, supervise, and lead children in desperate need of love.

With unwavering passion and purpose, Sharon extends an invitation: experience the transformative love of God. Join in prayer for GCR. And if your heart feels the call, consider journeying to Africa or Guatemala firsthand—to witness God’s blessings in action.  Lastly, she humbly seeks your financial support.


Next Step?

To donate to Global Compassion Resources or to get involved, please follow the appropriate link below. We warmly welcome your calls, emails, and communications.  But above all, our deepest desire is to be a blessing to you.  


An honor and a joy to serve this community 


Medical Camp Report (Jan 2023)