Medical Camp Report (Jan 2023)


Dr. Job and Dr. Kog meet with a patient in the consulting room

Receive warm greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We bless you our co-worker in Christ for the great support in God’s work we have kept running. Indeed, it’s a new year, another opportunity God gives us to continue perfecting His good works. 

On 21st Jan 2023, we carried out our free medical camp. We saw God’s hand in every activity we undertook that day. We arrived at the venue at 8:00 am with six personnel. We talked to the patients shortly and prayed. Then we had Dr. Job and Dr. Kogo at consultation rooms hearing patients out, two people at the pharmacy dispensing medicine and two people at the triage area taking vitals.

We also had the groundman Mr. Kirwa registering patients name and phone numbers on arrival. Our work ran smoothly to later in the afternoon, approximately 3:00 pm when we closed. We treated at total of 106 patients.

Glory to God for enabling us accomplish this great task. 

Yours Sincerely, 

Amos Kiptum Rotich


A compassionate heart compels her


Medical Clinic Report (Feb 2022)