Medical Clinic Report (Feb 2022)

At the start of the medical clinic


With love we send our warm greetings in Jesus name. It's a wonderful time the Lord has created for us to share in His loving Kindness. We are fine here in Kenya and continuing the great works He called us to accomplish in His name.

Eugene & his mother

Today we did the follow up medical clinic. The team arrived in the venue at 9:00 am. We immediately started attending to the patients. We noticed improvement in the case of young Eugene, who was in previous reports noted to suffer from celebral palsy. We thank God that through doctors' intervention, recommendation and continuous follow up, he is now gaining capability on the journey to normalcy. The mother was happy and contented to receive medicine for Eugene. We continue to pray that our work there may heal souls, give hope to the broken hearted terminally sick patients and help manage patients with different medical conditions in Jesus Name.

Consulting with Dr. Amon

We thank you, our donor, for your ongoing financial support that sustains the program. It is our humble prayer that God may multiply your resources according to His riches in Glory.

Amen. God bless you. God bless Global Compassion Resources.

Submitted by Bishop Rono


Medical Camp Report (Jan 2023)


Medical Camp Report (Nov 2020)